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Safe In Our World Celebrates 2nd Anniversary As New Initiatives Drive Progress Towards Helping Millions Worldwide

Safe In Our World Celebrates 2nd Anniversary As New Initiatives Drive Progress Towards Helping Millions Worldwide

Community Managers Mental Health Course and Expanded Level Up Partner Offering Increases Engagement Across The Industry

London, UK. October 8th, 2021, Videos Games Mental Health Charity, Safe In Our World (https://safeinourworld.org) today announced a series of initiatives to celebrate its 2nd anniversary on World Mental Health Day 2021 , with a year of achievement in scaling both the charity and its outward community and industry programmes.

From expanding the initial target of training 50 community managers to delivering mental health first aid training to nearly 200 community managers globally by the end of 2021, funded by Jingle Jam 2020, every initiative undertaken by the charity now has room to expand and reach more people than ever before. And with 80+ studios, publishers and developers signed up as Level Up Partners, committed to positive change within the industry and within their own businesses, a bespoke partner hub was delivered in the second half of 2021; delivering more information, training, and resources to more employees than ever. In addition, in May 2021 at the height of the last Covid-19 lockdown, the charity launched the Safer Together Discord channel, including a forum for community managers, aimed at bringing the video games community closer together.

"Nous sommes extrêmement fiers du travail accompli l'année dernière par notre fantastique équipe et par une longue liste de sympathisants, des ambassadeurs aux administrateurs", a déclaré Leo Zullo, cofondateur et président de l'association. Leo Zullo, cofondateur et président de Safe In Our World, a déclaré : "Nous sommes passés d'une organisation dirigée par des administrateurs à une organisation caritative avec de nombreux employés et des initiatives qui font une énorme différence dans la vie de tant de personnes. Cela a toujours été prévu et nous tenons à remercier la communauté, l'industrie et toutes les personnes directement impliquées pour leur travail acharné, leur engagement et leur volonté d'offrir des programmes exceptionnels et d'avoir un impact réel au nom de Safe In Our World."

Safe In Our World a le plaisir d'inviter la communauté des jeux vidéo à célébrer ces étapes ensemble, à la fois sur le site web officiel, ainsi que via les canaux sociaux et le Discord Safer Together.

Depuis sa création il y a deux ans ( Safe In Our World ), l'organisation caritative a uni l'industrie autour de sa campagne visant à éliminer la stigmatisation de la santé mentale et à faire en sorte que les joueurs et les équipes puissent trouver le soutien adéquat. Plus de 80 des plus grandes sociétés de jeux ont rejoint l'association pour faire avancer les activités de la mission caritative.

Pour plus d'informations et pour télécharger les documents de presse, veuillez consulter le site :

Safe In Our World https://safeinourworld.org/press-centre/

For press enquires please email press@safeinourworld-stage1.mystagingwebsite.com

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About Safe In Our World
Safe In Our World is a registered charity in England and Wales no. 1183344. A team of seasoned gaming veterans passionate about mental health brainstormed for over two years over ways they could make a difference. Launched on World Mental Health Day on October 10th, 2019, its aims are to raise awareness of mental health issues within the video games industry, and to provide resources, signpost help, and to drive change for everyone connected with the industry, for developers, publishers and service provides, to content creators and players. Its initial mission is to create an online destination where people can seek help, gain access to resources and information, and discover stories from real people within and surrounding the games industry, with more detailed policies available via the website. Safe In Our World is a worldwide hub accessible for anyone in need.