RE:CALL is a narrative puzzle game that revolves around the central theme of changing the past to shape the present.

Its a very unique and emotionally resonant experience and one that we think many players might personally relate to. As the protagonist, Bruno, players will navigate through memories, solving puzzles, and altering events in order to learn things and achieve the desired outcome.

The gameplay is primarily story-driven, with a strong emphasis on character development. Bruno is portrayed with relatable depth, particularly in his struggles with body image issues. RE:CALL is quite subtle with how he views himself but as the game unfolds small remarks will show feelings that will be very recognisable to some. The game adeptly explores the impact of hurtful remarks and bullying on one’s self-perception. Ghostly apparitions in memories serve as poignant reminders that such experiences, even if not fully remembered, can leave lasting scars.

The narrative unfolds as Bruno confronts these issues and pieces together a larger, nefarious scheme. The game skilfully weaves together the threads of bullying, abuse, and self-discovery, showing that the characters’ unkindness often stems from their own internal struggles.

In terms of gameplay mechanics, RE:CALL excels in presenting challenging puzzles. The process of replaying memories and altering details incrementally adds depth to character interactions, providing insight into their motivations and complexities. You interact with the same characters in the same scenario but in slightly different ways each time. There are times at which the experience steps away from the memory mechanics and character development, but this small change in pace is not enough to dampen the overall experience.

The character development is commendable, but did leave us wishing for deeper exploration of certain characters. The subject of self-confidence and body image issues is realistically depicted, resonating with those who may find a personal connection to Bruno’s journey.

Overall, RE:CALL offers a compelling narrative, engaging puzzles, and a thought-provoking exploration of sensitive topics. Bruno’s relatability and the game’s ability to address complex issues make it an enjoyable and, at times, emotional experience.