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Septembre : Les soignants dans les jeux

This month, we will be looking into the world of carers in gaming, showcasing support that is available to those who are carers and have caring responsibilities, and highlighting games that link in with the theme.

Back in March, we chatted to a number of carers within the industry about their experiences, the challenges they face, and the support networks that they would recommend. It was incredibly insightful to learn of other’s experiences, but we felt that one article could not cover the breadth of conversation that we wanted to attribute to this topic.

Working within the games industry can be challenging in it’s own ways, but we want to focus on those who have additional caring responsibilities alongside their jobs in the industry.

This September we’ll be highlighting care-specific resources, discuss some of the projects that are ongoing in the games industry at the moment, and deep-dive into games that illustrate caring within their narratives and mechanics.

We’ll also be hosting our first panel discussion on our Twitch Channel; ‘A Discussion with a Carer’ with special guests, to normalise the conversation around mental health within carers, and create a community where carers feel as though they have peer support.

Let’s talk carers in games!