
If you find it difficult to understand your care and support or find it hard to speak up, there are people who can act as a spokesperson for you. Think of it as having your own co-op partner as you navigate your healthcare.


They can help you

  • understand the care and support process
  • talk about how you feel about your care
  • just like a party leader, they can make decisions
  • challenge decisions about your care and support if you do not agree with them
  • stand up for your rights

An advocate will support you during any assessments, care and support planning and safeguarding and reviews. They are independent of social services and the NHS.


How to get an advocate

You can contact social services at your local council and ask about more information on advocacy services.

POhWER is a charity that helps people to be involved in decisions being made about their care. You can contact the support centre on 0300 456 2370 for advice.

The Advocacy People and VoiceAbility also gives advocacy support. You can find out more about their services via their website.